Design, Deliverability & Email Enigmas

October 11, 2012

Email marketing is a great way to reach your clients and prospects, but are you getting the results you want?

Navigating the complexities of email providers, SPAM filters and A/B testing can be challenging even for those accustomed to monitoring open/read percentages and tracking clicks. With a few simple tips you can balance design and content to make sure your message is received and reflects well on your brand.

Know your target. If you have an existing opt-in email list, review it to see if you can gain any insights. If you are marketing B2B with customers and prospects in the corporate world, chances are good that your email recipients may use Microsoft Office Outlook which removes pictures and requires users to click to download images. If you send an image only email, your recipient may never see anything more than a bunch of red Xs in your email body. Your email may also display in a different manner through each email service provider (ESP). Those using mobile devices will be viewing your email on a much smaller screen which should also influence your design. Knowing who you are trying to reach, when they open their email and how they reach your site can provide valuable insights to better craft an email marketing strategy that delivers results.

Use the right kind of bait. Once you have identified your target, it’s time to choose the correct ‘bait’. Step one is assuring the recipient that your email is legitimate by making sure that the email’s from address and name is easily identifiable. Step two is crafting a subject line that breaks through the clutter and gives the recipient a reason to open and read your email. Sounds simple enough, but it can be more challenging than it seems. With the proper email support, you can A/B test subject lines to determine what is most effective before you send your email to your full list. Once you’ve dialed in the subject line that is achieving opens, you need to provide the content to keep them reading.

Reel them in. Once your recipient has taken the bait, it’s time for you to reel them in. The content of your email should be crafted to achieve those results. If they’ve signed up for your newsletter, you should provide valuable content that reinforces their decision to opt-in. If you are promoting an event or sale, you need to move quickly and call for action. Based on your recipients, email purpose and trackable goals, your design aesthetic must find the appropriate balance between visuals and copy to ensure it displays properly and is deliverable. Using SPAM scoring, testing to the most heavily represented ESPs on your list, and viewing on your own mobile device can help you troubleshoot your design.

Ready to dive into email marketing? The Fresh Creative team can help. Our eFreshTM email marketing services include design, list management, copywriting, delivery and reporting. We can even help you build your opt-in email list with website integration.




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